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1. Configure Windows Desktop to open up Remote Unix Graphical Applications
                    Using Xwin - Secure Shell Client
                    Using Cygwin
                    Using Vncviewer
2. Can not open up Unix Graphical Application Display on local Computer
3. How to check disk quota
  "quota -v loginname" will show you quota limit and current quota used.
  loginname@vulcan:%~>quota -v loginname
Disk quotas for loginname (uid 506):
Filesystem       usage         quota         limit   timeleft    files     quota     limit     timeleft
/home/amit     34000       49000     50000                      0           0         0
  This shows that Quota limit is 50MB and currently 34MB is used by loginname.
4. How to find the files with largest size inside home directory
  "du -s -k ./* | sort -r -n | head -10" will sort the 10 largest files in home directory
  loginname@vulcan:~>du -s -k ./* | sort -r -n | head -10
35909 ./lab1
35144 ./lab2
26739 ./lab3
26735 ./lab4
17489 ./lab5
  These shows lab1 folder size is 35.9 MB and lab2 folder size is 35.1 MB.
  Same command to be used inside the lab1 directory to find the largest file.
4. Scripts needed to be sourced for different applications
  Magic, Sue, Irsim        => source /import/app1/scripts/magic.cshrc
  Cadence Applications  => source /import/app1/scripts/cadence.ic50.cshrc
  Synopsys Applications => source /import/app1/scripts/synopsys.cshrc
  Opnet Application        => source /import/app1/scripts/opnet
5. Software Applications Locations
  Cadence Applications  => /import/cadence, /import/cadence1
  Synopsys Applications => /import/synopsys
  Magic Applications      => /import/cadence1
  Abaqus 6.3                 => /import/app3/abaqus
  Synplicity Tools           => /import/app9
  Primepower, Cosmoscope => /import/fpga
  Latex                            => /import/latex
  SystemC                      => /import/embedded
  Matlab                         => /import/ECEapp1
  Opnet 12                     => /import/ECEapp1
  GNU Tools, Mozilla, Netscape, Adobe.... => /import/app1