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Using Xwin32-Secure Shell Client to open up UNIX Graphical Application on local computer

1. Download and Install the Secure Shell Client Application from here:
2. Download and Install the Xwin32 5.0 Application from here:
3. Perform the default installation of both of the above application.
4. Secure Shell Client installation will install SSH Secure Shell Client and SSH Secure File Transfer Client on your computer.
5. Open up SSH Secure Shell Client and Click on Quick Connect as show here:

6. Quick Connect will open up the new window which requires the selection and input as show here:

  Options are:
          Hostname: or or any other hostname provided in class
          Username: Unix login name provided in the class by Professor or TA
          Port: 22
          Authentication Method:  Password (select password method from drop-down menu)
7. Click on Connect and this will prompt you to enter the password provided to each student in class

8. Click okay. If valid username and password is entered, you will be given the prompt on unix server. At the prompt, type in "who |grep username" command to find out the ip address of your computer (where usernmae = loginname with which you log in to the unix server)

  India Site student can also use secure shell client to connect to ECE servers directly. List of servers for India site is provided in the classroom.
9. This shows that from which computer ip address you coming in. Here in this scenario, I am coming from the ip address
10. If you are using the wireless router at home, ip address you see here is the ip address of your wireless router. Your computer will have the private ip address assigned by the wireless router in this case.
  In this case, you have to find the ip address of your local computer and setup the ip forwarding from your wireless router to your personal computer.
  This is a very important step and if you fail to perform this, you will be not able to open up the UNIX Graphical Display on your local computer.
  You can check your computer private ip address using the command ipconfig from windows command prompt.
11. Now, on your unix prompt, type in the command "setenv DISPLAY myip:0.0" to open up the UNIX Graphical Display on your computer.
                      myip = IP Address you see when you type "who |grep loginname" command
   In this Case myip =

12. Now, we will configure Xwin. Open up the Xconfig Window from Start-> All Programs->X-Win32 5.0 -> XConfig.

13. Configure All Xconfig Window tab as shown in here.


  In the Security Tab, I have entered the as I am connected to that server. If you are connecting to any other ECE Unix Servers, you have to enter that hostname in to the list.
  Once, XConfig is configured, Close the Xconfig window.
14.  Now, Click on Start -> All Programs -> X-Win32 5.0 -> X-Win32 and this will open up Xwin32 application and shows the small X icon on the bottom right side on your local computer.

15. Now, Run the application such as xcalc to see if it opens up the Unix Graphical Calculator on your local computer.

16. If you can not see the Graphical Display on your computer, Please make sure that you have your Windows Firewall and any Virus Scan Software Firewall configured to allow the Xwin32 Application. If you still cannot access it, Disable the firewall temporarily and then try it again.
17. If Disabling the firewall on your computer, does not solve the problem, then it may be your computer is having the private ip address. If your computer ip address that shows up using the ipconfig command on your local computer command prompt is different than the ip address that shows up using the who |grep username command typed in the unix server prompt, then you are using wireless router or your ISP is giving you the private ip addresses.
                  ipconfig on your local computer who |grep username on unix prompt
                                  1. You are using wireless router at home and port forwarding is not setup
                                  2. Your ISP leasing you private ip address and ISP is blocking the Xwin Port.