Recent Puplications
Mandana Norouzi
,Yuteng Wu, Pradnya
Chahande, Fernando Alonso Macias and G. E. Atkin A Circulant Based Space-Time Coding for Multiple
Input Multiple Output System in Fading Channel EIT IEEE conference, May 2013.
M. Norouzi, Y. Wu, E. Attang, R. B. Ellis, G. E. Atkin,
"Embedded Space Time Codes for Multiple Input
Multiple Output Systems in Rayleigh fading Channel," IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing, submitted, April 2014.
Mandana Norouzi, Edidong Attang, Yuteng Wu, G.E Atkin, "Symbol Error Rate and Bit Error Rate
Analysis for Cooperative Diversity Networks by Distributed Embedded
Space Time Code" EIT IEEE conference 2014.
Submitted March 2014.
Lun Huang, Ho P. Dam, G. E. Atkin, "Delayed Decision Feed-back Sequence
Estimation OFDM Equalization with Channel Prediction", 28th
Annual Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2009), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 18th
21st October, 2009.
Ho P. Dam, Lun
Huang, G. E. Atkin, "MIMO/-Space Time Codes for Polynomial Phase
Modulation Wireless Communications", 28th Annual
Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2009), Boston,
Massachusetts, USA, 18th 21st October, 2009.
Mohammad Al Bataineh, Maria Alonso, Siyun
Wang, Wei Zhang and Guillermo Atkin, Ribosome Binding Model Using a Codebook and Exponential
Metric, IEEE EIT 2007 Proceedings, Chicago, IL, USA,
May 17 20, 2007.
Mohammad Al Bataineh, Maria Alonso, Siyun
Wang, Wei Zhang and Guillermo Atkin An Optimized Ribosome Binding Model Using
Communication Theory Concepts; In: Proceedings of 2007
International Conference for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology,
Las Vegas, NV, USA, June 25 27, 2007.
Mohammad Al Bataineh, Lun Huang, Ismaeel. Muhamed, Nick Menhart, and Guillermo Atkin,
Gene Expression Analysis using Communications,
Coding and Information Theory Based Models, BIOCOMP'09
- The 2009 International Conference on Bioinformatics &
Computational Biology, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 13-16, 2009.
Mohammad Al Bataineh, Maria Alonso, Lun
Huang, Nick Menhart, Guillermo Atkin, Effect of Mutations on the Detection of
Translational Signals Based on Communications Theory Concepts,
31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'09), Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA,
2nd - 6th September, 2009.
10. Lun
Huang, Mohammad Al Bataineh, Guillermo Atkin, Siyun Wang and Wei
Zhang, A Novel Gene Detection Method Based on Period-3
Property, 31st Annual International Conference of the
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'09),
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 2nd - 6th September, 2009.
11. Lun
Huang, Mohammad Al Bataineh, Guillermo Atkin, Maria Parra, Maria del Mar Perez, Ismaeel Mohammed, and Wei Zhang "Identification of Transcription Factor
Binding Sites Based on the Chi-Square (X^2) distance of a Probabilistic
Vector Model", International Conference on Future BioMedical Information Engineering (FBIE 2009), December 13-14, 2009.
12. Mohammad
Al Bataineh, Lun
Huang, Maria Alonso, Nick Menhart, and
Guillermo E. Atkin, "Analysis of
Gene Translation Using a Communications Theory Approach," in Advances in Computational
Biology: Springer, December 2009. (Published in a book by Springer)
13. Mohammad
Al Bataineh, Lun
Huang, Wei Zhang, and Guillermo Atkin, "Information Theory, Communications, and
Coding in Genome Analysis," Submitted
to IEEE EMB Magazine,December 2009.
14. Chuanhui Ma, Ting Wang, Guillermo E. Atkin,
Chi Zhou, "A Novel bandwidth efficient Coded OFDM System for
ICI and PAPR Reduction," submitted to 2008 IEEE 67th
Vehicular technology Conference: VTC2008-Spring 11-14 May 2008, Marina
Bay, Singapore.
15. Chuanhui Ma, Guillermo E. Atkin, Chi Zhou,
"Applying OOK modulation to reduce the inter-carrier
interference in OFDM," Selected to be published in a
special issue of the International Journal of Communications Networks
and Distributed Systems.
16. Chuanhui Ma, Guillermo E. Atkin, Chi Zhou,
Ting Wang, "Variable Sub-carrier OFDM Using OOK-7PSK modulation
in AWGN Channel," Accepted by 2007 Military Communications
Conference on 29-31 Oct., 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA.
17. Chuanhui Ma, Guillermo E. Atkin, Chi Zhou,
"Variable Sub-carrier in OFDM to Reduce the ICI due to Carrier
Frequency Offset and IQ Imbalance," Accepted by the 3rd
IEEE international conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing,
Networking and Communications on 9-10 Oct., 2007, New York, USA.
18. Chuanhui Ma, Guillermo E. Atkin, Chi Zhou,
"Permutated OOK-QPSK in OFDM to Reduce the ICI due to Carrier
Frequency Offset," Proceedings of the 2007 international
conference on Wireless communications and mobile computing on 12-16
August, 2007 Pages(s): 103-108.
19. Chuanhui Ma, Guillermo E. Atkin, Chi Zhou,
"Applying OOK modulation to reduce the
inter-carrier interference in OFDM," Wireless
and Optical Communications Networks, 2007, WOCN07, IFIP international
Conference on 2-4 July 2007 Pages(s):1-5.
20. Rahul
Sinha, Guillermo E. Atkin,
PHASE MODULATION", Accepted by 2007 Military Communications
Conference on 29-31 Oct., 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA.
21. O. Kucur, E. Ozturk, G. E. Atkin, "Bit error rate performance of Haar wavelet based scale-code division multiple
access (HW/S-CDMA) over the asynchronous AWGN channel,"
International Journal of Communication Systems;" p. 507 - 514,
Volume 20 , Issue 4, April 2007
- Ertan Ozturk, Oguz Kucur,
Guillermo Atkin, "Performance of
optimum wavelet waveform for DS-CDMA chip waveform over QS-AWGN
channel", International Journal of Communication Systems,
Volume 19 , Issue 1 (February 2006)
23. Yu-Lin
Wang, Rahul Sinha,
and G. E. Atkin, "Modified Modulation Formats using Time
Varying Phase Functions", IEEE Transactions on Wireless
Communications, Vol 5, No. 1, pp. 8-11, Jan
24. R. A. Khalona, G. E. Atkin, and
J. LoCicero, "On the Performance of a Hybrid Frequency and
Phase Shift Keying Modulation Technique," IEEE
Transactions on Communications, vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 655-659, May
25. G.E. Atkin, and R. A. Khalona,
"Steiner System Signal Sets Over the Gaussian
Channel," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 469-472, March 1992.
