Journal Papers
- B. Guo, H. Li, C. Zhou and Y. Cheng, “Analysis of General Coding Conditions and Design of a Free-ride Optimal Routing Metric”, IEEE TVT (to appear in 2011).
- Yu Liu, Chi Zhou, and Yu Cheng, “An Efficient Algorithm for Optimal integrated points Placement in Hybrid Optical-Wireless Access Networks”, to appear in Computer Communications in 2011.
- P. Yi, A. Iwayemi, and C. Zhou, “Developing ZigBee Deployment Guideline Under WiFi Interference for Smart Grid Applications,” Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on, no. 99, p. 1, 2010.
- A. Iwayemi, Peizhong Yi, and Chi Zhou “Intelligent Wireless Lighting Control using Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks: A Survey”, EJSE Special Issue: Sensor Networks for Building and Environmental Monitoring, Dec 2010.
- B. Guo, O. Sotoudeh, C. Zhou and Y. Cheng, “Performance Evaluation of Antenna Diversity for a Mobile Terminal”, International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology, 2010 (submitted).
- K. Vardhe and C. Zhou, “Multiuser detection in two-way relay channel,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Jan. 2011
- K. Vardhe and C. Zhou, “Protocol design and resource allocation for cooperative wireless networks,” submitted to IEEE Communications Magazine, Nov. 2010.
- K. Vardhe, C. Zhou, and D. Reynolds, “Reliability and energy efficiency analysis of multistage cooperation in sensor networks,” submitted to IEEE Transactions Communications, Nov. 2010.
Conference Papers
- K. Vardhe, C. Zhou, and D. Reynolds, “On the energy efficiency of multistage cooperation in sensor networks,” in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommun. Conf. (GLOBECOM), FL, Dec. 2010.
- B. Guo, K. Vardhe, Y. Liu, C. Zhou, Y. Cheng, “Outage performance of DF Network Coded (DFNC) multi-User cooperative diversity in orthogonal uplink channels,” in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommun. Conf. (GLOBECOM), (Miami, FL), Dec. 2010.
- Yu Liu, Bin Guo, Chi Zhou, and Yu Cheng, “A CDS based Cooperative Information Repair Protocol with Network Coding in Wireless Networks”, in IEEE Globecom 2010, Miami, FL, December 2010
- Bin Guo, Hongkun Li, Chi Zhou, and Yu Cheng, “General Network Coding Conditions in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks,” in Communications (ICC), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 1-5, 2010.
- Peizhong Yi, A. Iwayemi, and Chi Zhou, “Frequency agility in a ZigBee network for smart grid application,” in IEEE Conference onInnovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), 2010, pp. 1-6, 2010.
- A. Iwayemi, Peizhong Yi, Peng Liu, and Chi Zhou, “A Perfect Power demonstration system,” in IEEE Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), 2010, pp. 1-7, 2010.
- Yu Liu, Chi Zhou, and Yu Cheng, “Integrated BS/ONU placement in hybrid EPON-WiMax access networks”, in IEEE Globecom 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 2009
- Seyed Alavi, Chi Zhou, and Yu Cheng, “Low complexity Resource Allocation Algorithm for IEEE 802.16 OFDMA System”, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Dresden, Germany, June 2009
- A. Iwayemi and Chi Zhou, “VoIP Performance in Multi-radio Mobile Devices,” in Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, 2009 IEEE International Symposium on, pp. 354-360, 2009.
- Yu Liu and Chi Zhou, “A Vertical Handoff Decision Algorithm (VHDA) and a Call Admission Control (CAC) policy in integrated network between WiMax and UMTS,” in Communications and Networking in China, 2007. CHINACOM '07. Second International Conference on, pp. 1063-1068, 2007.
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