Chi Zhou
Assistant Professor, IEEE Senior Member
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Illinois Institute of Technology
3301 South Dearborn Street, Siegel Hall 130
Chicago, IL, 60616-3793
Phone: (312) 567-7998
Fax: (312) 567-8978
Email: zhouc@ece.iit.edu
Wireless communications and mobile networks in general, especially in power control/resource allocation for various wireless networks, integration of heterogeneous networks, and reliable communications over OFDM or MIMO systems.
Spring 2010
ECE 504 Wireless Communications System Design
The prerequisite of ECE 513 will be strictly enforced unless it is recommended and approved by the student’s academic or research advisor. The advisor has to email to the instructor with the recommendation and approval, then the instructor can grant the student the override for class registration.
If you have any questions please mail me at: zhouc@ece.iit.edu
Other Communications Courses
ECE 515 :Modern Digital Communications (Taught by Dr. Guillermo Atkin)
ECE 519 :Coding for Reliable Communications (Taught by Dr. Guillermo Atkin)
Fall 2009
ECE 513: Communication Engineering Fundamentals
Spring 2009
ECE 514: Digital Communication Principles (2009 Spring)
Student Supervision
- Farhod Tavassoli , PhD candidate
- Peizhong Yi, PhD candidate
- Yu Liu, PhD candidate
- Bin Guo, PhD candidate
- Seyed Mohamad Alavi, PhD candidate
- Y. Liu, C. Zhou, and Y. Cheng, "Integrated BS/ONU Placement in Hybrid EPON-WiMAX Access Networks,", IEEE GLOBECOM, Honolulu, Hawaii, Nov. 30-Dec.4, 2009.
- B. Guo, O. Sotoudeh, C. Zhou, and Y. Cheng, "Antenna Diversity for a Mobile Terminal: Theory, Simulation and Measurement,", IEEE GLOBECOM, Honolulu, Hawaii, Nov. 30-Dec.4, 2009.
- S. M. Alavi, C. Zhou, and Y. Cheng, "Low complexity resource allocation algorithm for IEEE 802.16 OFDMA system", IEEE ICC, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 14-18, 2009.
Selected Publications
- C. Zhou, M. L. Honig, and S. Jordan, “Utility-Based Power Control for a Two-Cell CDMA Data Network”, in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 4, num. 6, pp. 2764 - 2776, November 2005.
- C. Zhou, P. Zhang, M. L. Honig, and S. Jordan, “Two-Cell Power Allocation for Downlink CDMA”, in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.3, num. 6, pp. 2256 – 2266, November 2004.
- C. Liu and C. Zhou, “QoS Provisioning in 802.11 WLAN Coupled with UMTS Network”, in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Las Vegas, NV, March, 2006
- C. Liu and C. Zhou, “Providing Quality of Service in IEEE 802.11 WLAN”, in The IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Vienna, Austria, April, 2006.
- D. Qian, C. Zhou, and J. Zhang, “Cooperation Enforcement in Ad Hoc Networks with Penalty”, in Proc. of Second IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS'05), Washington, DC, October, 2005.
- C. Liu and C. Zhou, “An improved architecture for UMTS-WLAN Tight Coupling”, in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, New Orleans, LA, March, 2005
- C. Zhou, D. Qian, and H. Lee, “Utility-Based Routing in Wireless Ad hoc Networks”, in Proc. of First IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS'04), Pages 588 - 593, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, October, 2004.
- C. Zhou, D. Qian, N. Pissinou, and K. Makki, “Resource Allocation Based on Pricing for Wireless Multimedia Networks”, in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, March 2004.
- C. Zhou, M. L. Honig, S. Jordan, and R. Berry, “Forward-Link Resource Allocation for a Two-Cell Voice Network with Multiple Service Classes”, in Proceedings 2003 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, March, 2003
- C. Zhou, M. L. Honig, S. Jordan, and R. Berry, “Utility-Based Resource Allocation for Wireless Networks with Mixed Voice and Data Services”, in Proceedings Eleventh International Conference on Computer Communications Networks, Pages 485 – 488, October 2002
- C. Zhou, M. L. Honig, and S. Jordan, “Two-Cell Power Allocation for Wireless Data Based on Pricing”, in Proceedings 39th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Pages 1088 – 1097, October, 2001
- C. Zhou, M. L. Honig, and S. Jordan, “Two-Cell Utility-Based Resource Allocation for a CDMA Voice Service”, in Proceedings IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, October, 2001.
Last updated in Nov 2009