IIT ECE Ph.D. Candidate

Zhengyu Xia

Senior Research Associate

Email zxia@hawk.iit.edu


  • Ph.D., ECE, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, 2021.
  • M.S, ECE, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, 2013.


Zhengyu joined the MMCOM in Spring 2012 and is currently working as a senior research associate at IIT in MMCOM lab.

Selected Publications

  1. Z. Xia and J. Kim, "Enhancing Semantically Masked Transformer With Local Attention for Semantic Segmentation," IEEE Access, 2023.

  2. Z. Xia and J. Kim, "Enhancing Mask Transformer with Auxiliary Convolution Layers for Semantic Segmentation," Sensor, 2023.

  3. Z. Xia, C. Zhang, and J. Kim, "Improving Object Detection Using Weakly-Annotated Auxiliary Multi-Label Segmentation," IEEE Access, 2021.

  4. C. Zhang, Z. Xia, and J. Kim, "Video Object Detection Using Event-Aware Convolutional Lstm and Object Relation Networks," Electronics, 2021.

  5. Z. Xia and J. Kim, "Mixed Spatial Pyramid Pooling for Semantic Segmentation," ASC, 2020.

  6. Z. Xia, J. Kim, and Y.-S. Park, "Real-time 3D reconstruction using a combination of point-based volumetric fusion," IROS, 2018.

  7. R. Srinivasan, Z. Xia and J. Kim, "Confidence Indicators Based Pose Estimation for High-Quality 3D Reconstruction Using Depth Image," VCIP, 2015.