ECE 473/573 Fall 2024 - Project 4

Container Orchestration with Kubernetes

Report Due: 11/03 (Sun.), by the end of the day (Chicago time)
Late submissions will NOT be graded

I. Objective

In this project, you will learn the basics of Kubernetes (K8s), a popular open-source container orchestration platform for cluster computing. We'll migrate our Cassandra cluster based on Docker Compose from Project 3 to K8s using a Service and a StatefulSet, and then update our writer program into a stateless application using a K8s Deployment that depends on the Cassandra service.

While K8s usually runs on a cluster of nodes that are physical servers or VMs in production, we'll create a local K8s cluster with the kind tool, which allows to use Docker container as nodes. In other words, we will have "nested" containers managed by K8s running within Docker containers. On the other hand, since we still manage the local K8s cluster through standard K8s tools like kubectl, all configurations are ready to be deployed into a cluster of physical servers or VMs, either on-premises or in cloud.

II. kind Cluster Setup

Please create a new VM by importing our VM Appliance, make a clone of the repository (or fork it first), and execute to setup the VM as needed. This is different than the one we used in Project 2 and Project 3 so you are encouraged to use a new VM to avoid any potential issues.

The cluster.yml script defines a cluster of 5 nodes for kind with one node for the control plane and four as worker nodes. Use kind create cluster to create the cluster with the default name "kind". Note that you will need to specify the configuration via the option --config as follows.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kind create cluster --config cluster.yml
Creating cluster "kind" ...
 ✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.27.3) đŸ–ŧ 
 ✓ Preparing nodes đŸ“Ļ đŸ“Ļ đŸ“Ļ đŸ“Ļ đŸ“Ļ  
 ✓ Writing configuration 📜 
 ✓ Starting control-plane 🕹ī¸ 
 ✓ Installing CNI 🔌 
 ✓ Installing StorageClass 💾 
 ✓ Joining worker nodes 🚜 
Set kubectl context to "kind-kind"
You can now use your cluster with:

kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind

Have a nice day! 👋
It will take sometime to complete and then you can verify that the cluster is running by kind get nodes
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kind get nodes

Running docker ps reveals that these nodes are indeed Docker containers.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                  ...   CREATED         STATUS         ...   NAMES
1398729f7693   kindest/node:v1.27.3   ...   3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes   ...   kind-worker3
5496bd439977   kindest/node:v1.27.3   ...   3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes   ...   kind-worker2
da274d11a3d0   kindest/node:v1.27.3   ...   3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes   ...   kind-worker4
9000a05f1571   kindest/node:v1.27.3   ...   3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes   ...   kind-worker
4a1b57aeecda   kindest/node:v1.27.3   ...   3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes   ...   kind-control-plane
K8s tools are available in these containers. For example, crictl manages containers for K8s and works like the docker commands we are familiar with. Executing crictl ps on a worker node shows what K8s containers are running inside.
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ docker exec -it kind-worker crictl ps
CONTAINER      ...  CREATED         STATE    NAME         ATTEMPT  ...  POD
5cdee15784e39  ...  10 minutes ago  Running  kindnet-cni  0        ...  kindnet-2lgdt
333a3729604e1  ...  10 minutes ago  Running  kube-proxy   0        ...  kube-proxy-pgbrw

Use kind delete cluster to delete the cluster.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kind delete cluster
Deleting cluster "kind" ...
Deleted nodes: ["kind-worker3" "kind-worker2" "kind-worker4" "kind-worker" "kind-control-plane"]

Here is what you need to do for this section. You'll need to provide answers and screenshots as necessary in the project reports.

III. The Cassandra Service

Next, we will deploy a Cassandra service to the K8s cluster, leveraging our previous experiences with Cassandra from Project 3. The K8s configuration file cassandra.yml defines two objects: a Service named cassandra-service and a StatefulSet of 3 Pods of Cassandra replicas for the Cassandra service.

Note that K8s will ask each pod to pull the Cassandra Docker image, which may cause network congestions. To avoid such issues and to streamline cluster creation, we use the script file to automate the process. It will pull the necessary images, delete any existing kind cluster, create a new one with the cluster.yml script, and load images into nodes. It may take sometime to complete so please be patient.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ ./
Deleting cluster "kind" ...
Deleted nodes: ["kind-worker3" "kind-worker2" "kind-worker" "kind-worker4" "kind-control-plane"]
Creating cluster "kind" ...
 ✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.30.0) đŸ–ŧ
Image: "cassandra:4.1.3" with ID "sha256:c5a661a601b9297c727a7e4f0f330eef30ba06af1b8be0b8ca48f64eb6416e19" not yet present on node "kind-worker", loading...

Use kubectl apply to apply the configuration file via the option -f as follows.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kubectl apply -f cassandra.yml 
service/cassandra-service created
statefulset.apps/cassandra created
Then use kubectl get to verify the status of the objects.
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kubectl get services
NAME                TYPE        CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
cassandra-service   ClusterIP   None                 9042/TCP   110s
kubernetes          ClusterIP            443/TCP    4m42s
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kubectl get statefulsets
cassandra   1/3     2m3s
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kubectl get pods
NAME          READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
cassandra-0   1/1     Running             0          2m8s
cassandra-1   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          48s
Note that K8s starts the Pods in a StatefulSet one after another. It will take some time for all Pods to become available.

Similar to Project 3, we can validate that Cassandra is actually running properly by nodetool status and cqlsh. Since these commands need to run from the Cassandra containers within the Docker container nodes, kubectl exec that allows you to execute commands within a Pod is very convenient.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kubectl exec cassandra-0 -- nodetool status
Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
--  Address     Load        Tokens  Owns (effective)  Host ID                               Rack 
UN  70.24 KiB   16      59.3%             58ca0279-0b50-4033-901c-e00dfcdc75f6  rack1
UN  75.26 KiB   16      76.0%             d69e38d7-9bd7-4774-b855-fb65d6b3c77f  rack1
UN  109.41 KiB  16      64.7%             419f17ed-63d9-4f2a-96af-f8e1a33313d0  rack1

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kubectl exec -it cassandra-0 -- cqlsh
Connected to ece573-prj04 at
[cqlsh 6.1.0 | Cassandra 4.1.3 | CQL spec 3.4.6 | Native protocol v5]
Use HELP for help.
cqlsh> exit

Use kubectl delete to remove the Cassandra service and its Pods as follows.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kubectl delete -f cassandra.yml 
service "cassandra-service" deleted
statefulset.apps "cassandra" deleted

Here is what you need to do for this section. You'll need to provide answers and screenshots as necessary in the project reports.

IV. Build and Deploy an Application

Once the Cassandra service is running, we are ready to create K8s Deployments of applications to utilize it. We will use a modified version of writer.go from Project 3 as the example.

The application need to be containerized before K8s can deploy it. Unlike Docker Compose that takes care of containerization automatically in Project 3, here we need to go through two steps: first to build a docker image for writer.go, and second to make the image available to the K8s cluster. For your convenience, we provide to complete these two steps. Note that while the second step is usually completed by using a Docker registry in production, we allow kind to load the images to the container nodes directly for simplicity.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ ./
[+] Building 72.2s (10/10) FINISHED        docker:default
Image: "ece573-prj04-writer:v1" with ID "..." not yet present on node "kind-worker2", loading...

The configuration file writer.yml defines the K8s Deployment ece573-prj04-writer that includes one replica using the docker image built above. Apply it to start the application and then verify the status.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kubectl apply -f writer.yml 
deployment.apps/ece573-prj04-writer created
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kubectl get deployment
NAME                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
ece573-prj04-writer   0/1     1            0           77s
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                   READY   STATUS             RESTARTS      AGE
cassandra-0                            1/1     Running            0             64m
cassandra-1                            1/1     Running            0             64m
cassandra-2                            1/1     Running            0             64m
ece573-prj04-writer-7bcccffd6d-2s87k   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   3 (32s ago)   88s
Do you notice that something is wrong with our writer application?

Similar to docker logs, you can troubleshoot issues with Pods with kubectl logs. However, since Pods from Deployment are interchangeable replicas, their names will change frequently and it is not convenient to refer to them by names. Instead, we can refer to them by labels as specified in writer.yml via the option -l as follows.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kubectl logs -l app=ece573-prj04-writer
2023/10/22 05:56:54 Unknown topic
Read writer.go and modify writer.yml to use a topic of your choice. Since we don't modify writer.go, it is sufficient to apply writer.yml again to restart the failing Pod.
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kubectl apply -f writer.yml 
deployment.apps/ece573-prj04-writer configured
Resolve any remaining issue, apply the configuration, and you should be able to follow the log via the option -f.
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kubectl logs -l app=ece573-prj04-writer -f
2023/10/22 06:04:13 Connecting cluster at cassandra-service.default.svc.cluster.local with consistency ONE for topic test
2023/10/22 06:04:14 Connected to cluster ece573-prj04
2023/10/22 06:04:14 Tables ece573.prj04 and ece573.prj04_last_seq ready.
2023/10/22 06:04:14 test: start from lastSeq=0
2023/10/22 06:04:49 test: inserted rows to seq 1000
2023/10/22 06:05:25 test: inserted rows to seq 2000
2023/10/22 06:06:06 test: inserted rows to seq 3000

The kubectl delete can be used to delete individual Pods to simulate a situation where Pods fail.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kubectl delete pod cassandra-1
pod "cassandra-1" deleted
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
cassandra-0                           1/1     Running   0               47s
cassandra-1                           1/1     Running   0               2s
cassandra-2                           1/1     Running   2 (3m50s ago)   13h
ece573-prj04-writer-c447759b7-t6gqj   1/1     Running   2 (17s ago)     2m46s
But if you run kubectl get pods, you will find the Pod is still there running. Why? The reason is that since you don't delete the StatefulSet, K8s will detect such failures and restart Pods as needed. As shown in the AGE column of the Pod cassandra-1, it restarts from 2s ago. On the other hand, the RESTARTS column doesn't count our manual delete so it shows 0. However, for the Pod of our writer, you may notice it has been restarted since 17s ago. It doesn't have the retrying logic you are supposed to add for Project 3. Therefore, it may fail when a Cassandra Pod fails -- but K8s restarts it automatically.

Here is what you need to do for this section. You'll need to provide answers and screenshots as necessary in the project reports.

V. Stateless Application

Our writer.go always writes from seq=1 when restarted. Can we have a writer that writes from the seq when it terminates the last time? Since K8s Deployment uses ReplicaSet that is stateless, we cannot ask writer.go to store what seq it has reached and load the last when restarting. Instead, we must store and then load it from Cassandra. We have already modified writer.go to create a new table ece573.prj04_last_seq in Cassandra and store the last seq into it inside the loop. You will need to modify the code to read the last seq from the table before the loop so that it can be used to initialize the loop. Note that since you will need to modify writer.go this time, you have to build and load the docker image again, and then tell K8s to use the new image. For simplicity, these steps can be done by running ./ first, and then using kubectl delete and kubectl apply to recreate the writer deployment from scratch.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ ./ 
[+] Building 10.3s (10/10) FINISHED         docker:default
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kubectl delete -f writer.yml 
deployment.apps "ece573-prj04-writer" deleted
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kubectl apply -f writer.yml 
deployment.apps/ece573-prj04-writer created
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj04$ kubectl logs -l app=ece573-prj04-writer -f
2023/10/22 19:03:12 Connecting cluster at cassandra-service.default.svc.cluster.local with consistency ONE for topic test
2023/10/22 19:03:22 Connected to cluster ece573-prj04
2023/10/22 19:03:22 Tables ece573.prj04 and ece573.prj04_last_seq ready.
2023/10/22 19:03:22 test: start from lastSeq=0
2023/10/22 19:03:30 test: inserted rows to seq 1000

Here is what you need to do for this section. You'll need to provide answers and screenshots as necessary in the project reports.

VI. Project Deliverables

Complete the tasks for Section II to V (5 points each), include them in a project report in .doc/.docs or .pdf format, and submit it to Blackboard before the deadline.