ECE 473/573 Fall 2024 - Project 3

Distributed Database Systems

Report Due: 10/20 (Sun.), by the end of the day (Chicago time)
Late submissions will NOT be graded

I. Objective

In this project, you will learn the basics of Apache Cassandra, a popular open-source distributed NoSQL database. While production Cassandra deployment would require to use multiple physical servers, we use Docker Compose to create a Cassandra cluster via container orchestration for development and testing.

II. Cassandra Cluster Management

Similar to our previous projects, create a new VM by importing our VM Appliance, make a clone of the repository (or fork it first), and execute to setup the VM as needed. Since the is the same as that of Project 2, you may choose to reuse the VM for Project 2 this time.

The docker-compose.yml script for Docker Compose defines our Cassandra cluster using 4 services. Take a look into this file. The services db1, db2, and db3 are used to simulate three physical servers, each with a Cassandra installation, while the service client simulates another server running our client programs writing to and reading from the Cassandra cluster. Note that we use the extends attribute in docker-compose.yml to define the services db2 and db3 from db1 so that there is no need to repeat the identical configurations.

Follow the steps we learned in Project 2 to first build a docker image for client by docker compose build, then create the containers by docker compose create, and finally start the cluster by docker compose start.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj03$ docker compose build
[+] Building 60.6s (16/16) FINISHED             docker:default
 => => naming to    0.0s
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj03$ docker compose create
[+] Creating 5/5
 ✔ Network ece573-prj03_default     Created        0.4s 
 ✔ Container ece573-prj03-db1-1     Created        0.6s 
 ✔ Container ece573-prj03-db3-1     Created        0.6s 
 ✔ Container ece573-prj03-db2-1     Created        0.6s 
 ✔ Container ece573-prj03-client-1  Created        0.6s 
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj03$ docker compose start
[+] Running 4/4
 ✔ Container ece573-prj03-db3-1     Started        2.9s 
 ✔ Container ece573-prj03-client-1  Started        3.6s 
 ✔ Container ece573-prj03-db1-1     Started        3.4s 
 ✔ Container ece573-prj03-db2-1     Started        3.7s

Instead of use docker ps to verify that all containers are running, we can use docker compose ps to check the status of the containers for this cluster.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj03$ docker compose ps
NAME                    IMAGE                 ...   SERVICE   ...   STATUS         ...
ece573-prj03-client-1   ece573-prj03-client   ...   client    ...   Up 4 minutes   ...
ece573-prj03-db1-1      cassandra:4.1.3       ...   db1       ...   Up 4 minutes   ...
ece573-prj03-db2-1      cassandra:4.1.3       ...   db2       ...   Up 4 minutes   ...
ece573-prj03-db3-1      cassandra:4.1.3       ...   db3       ...   Up 4 minutes   ...
Pay attention to NAME, IMAGE, SERVICE, and STATUS columns for this project. If anything went wrong, use docker compose logs with SERVICE to troubleshoot the issue.
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj03$ docker compose logs db1
db1-1  | INFO  [OptionalTasks:1] ...

As a distributed database system, one Cassandra program is running on each physical server (container for our cluster) to manage the resources locally, and they communicate with each other via networking. To manage the database system consisting of these programs, Cassandra provides two tools, nodetool to access the statistics of the Cassandra programs, and cqlsh to manage the databases and the data via the Cassandra Query Language (CQL), which is very similar to SQL. For simplicity, we don't install these two tools in our VM but use them directly from the Cassandra containers. Use docker compose exec to execute a program in a container. For example, docker compose exec db1 nodetool status executes nodetool status that shows a summary of the cluster in the container db1.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj03$ docker compose exec db1 nodetool status
Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
--  Address     Load       Tokens  Owns (effective)  Host ID                               Rack 
UN  70.27 KiB  16      74.1%             1cd62c0d-5e59-477a-855f-b3d5fde09958  rack1
UN  70.29 KiB  16      62.0%             47915610-ad09-4a3a-b66a-0c351b080379  rack1
UN  70.29 KiB  16      63.9%             050db53f-e422-428b-bbcf-7d1bef4cb366  rack1
If the output shows a lot of error messages talking about Java, don't panic as the Cassandra cluster takes time to initialize and you will need to wait a few minutes to run the command again, until the summary of the cluster appears.

Start cqlsh in a similar way.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj03$ docker compose exec db1 cqlsh
Connected to ece573-prj03 at
[cqlsh 6.1.0 | Cassandra 4.1.3 | CQL spec 3.4.6 | Native protocol v5]
Use HELP for help.
cqlsh> exit
There is not much you can do without learning CQL first. Nevertheless, the output shows that our Cassandra cluster is indeed running because it mentions the cluster name ece573-prj03 that we have set up in docker-compose.yml . Type exit to exit it. We will learn a few CQL commands for Project 3 and feel free to explore further by reading CQL tutorials and documentations online.

Finally, for development and testing it is a common requirement to restart with a empty database. Use docker compose down to stop and destroy all containers, and discard all data within.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj03$ docker compose down
[+] Running 5/5
 ✔ Container ece573-prj03-db2-1     Removed     11.8s 
 ✔ Container ece573-prj03-db3-1     Removed     11.7s 
 ✔ Container ece573-prj03-client-1  Removed     11.2s 
 ✔ Container ece573-prj03-db1-1     Removed      7.5s 
 ✔ Network ece573-prj03_default     Removed      0.4s
You can recreate and restart the cluster now by docker compose create and docker compose start .

To complete this section, answer the following questions in the project report. You may need to perform additional searches online.

III. Tunable Consistency

Cassandra supports a lot of programming languages, including Go, via CQL and a set of APIs. For Project 3, we provide two client programs writer and reader demonstrating how to create keyspaces and tables, and how to write data to and read data from a Cassandra cluster in Go. For simpicity, both programs use a single Go source file in their respective directories.

Take a look at writer/writer.go . In this program, we first connect to the Casssandra cluster with the given consistency and seed. After displaying the cluster name, we create a keyspace ece573 to hold all tables for this course with a replication factor of 3. Then, we create a table ece573.prj03 within the keyspace for this project consisting of three columns: topic, seq, and value. This table could potentially be used by an IoT application to store measurements over time from devices, where topic specifies the device, seq records the time of measurements, and values are the readings. We set (topic, seq) as the primary key so that topic is the partition key and seq is the clustering key. Finally, the writer program starts an infinite loop to write rows with the given topic with consecutive seq's counting from 1 and random value's.

The program in reader/reader.go follows similar steps to establish connection to the Casssandra cluster and then query data from the table using a given topic. Since the writer program constantly writes new rows to the database, the reader program uses an infinite loop to retrieve newly added rows by setting up a condition in the query using the seq obtained from the last query.

According to the CAP theorem, a distributed database like Cassandra must give up one from consistency, availability, and partition tolerance. Cassandra allows to trade-off consistency with availability by tunable consistency where each write and read could choose a different consistency level. For Project 3 we will experiment with the combinations of three consistency levels: ONE for one replica to confirm, ALL for all replicas to confirm, and QUORUM for more than half of the replicas to confirm. If both read and write are done at level ONE, then consistency of data is not guaranteed. For Project 3, this means that for a topic, although the writer writes rows with consecutive seq's like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,..., the reader may fail to obtain some seq's and receive only 1,3,5,8,10,.... Such inconsistencies are detected by the reader program as mismatch between the number of rows and the last seq received.

To observe the inconsistency, you will need to run writer and reader at the same time. For convenience, create another terminal window to the VM using VSCode by first clicking the menu item File/Duplicate Workspace and then from the new VSCode window Terminal/New Terminal after you enter the password. You can also use PuTTY or any other tool to connect to the VM. In one of the terminal, start writer by docker compose exec client writer test ONE db1. This allows to start the writer program in the client container with the topic test, the consistency level ONE, and the seed db1 to initialize connection to the Cassandra cluster. Make sure the cluster is running via the nodetool status command introduced in the previous section.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj03$ docker compose exec client writer test ONE db1
2023/10/08 17:52:56 Connecting cluster at db1 with consistency ONE for topic test
2023/10/08 17:52:56 Connected to cluster ece573-prj03
2023/10/08 17:53:20 test: inserted 1000 rows
Keep the writer running and in the other terminal start reader by docker compose exec client reader test ONE db2. The reader program takes the same three arguments like the writer program but please pay attention to that we have used db2 as the seed for the reader.
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj03$ docker compose exec client reader test ONE db2
2023/10/08 17:57:36 Connecting cluster at db2 with consistency ONE for topic test
2023/10/08 17:57:37 Connected to cluster ece573-prj03
2023/10/08 17:57:38 test: seq 19900 with 19900 rows
2023/10/08 17:57:38 test: seq 19908 with 19908 rows

Here is what you need to do for this section.

IV. Availability

Once connected to the Cassandra cluster using the seed, the client programs like our reader and writer will receive a list of available Cassandra servers that they will connect to for load balancing and when the original server fails. Nevertheless, to achieve availability both the Cassandra programs and the client programs need to put effort to retry failed requests.

Start the writer with consistency level ONE on db1.

ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj03$ docker compose exec client writer avail ONE db1
2023/10/08 20:45:07 Connecting cluster at db1 with consistency ONE for topic avail
2023/10/08 20:45:07 Connected to cluster ece573-prj03
In the other terminal, kill db2 by docker compose kill db2.
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj03$ docker compose kill db2
[+] Killing 1/1
 ✔ Container ece573-prj03-db2-1  Killed   1.9s
There is a good chance that our writer connecting to db1 originally is connecting to db2 now and fails.
ubuntu@ece573:~/ece573-prj03$ docker compose exec client writer avail ONE db1
2023/10/08 20:45:07 Connecting cluster at db1 with consistency ONE for topic avail
2023/10/08 20:45:07 Connected to cluster ece573-prj03
2023/10/08 20:45:24 avail: inserted 1000 rows
2023/10/08 20:45:31 Cannot write 1437 to table ece573.prj03: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer

Here is what you need to do for this section.

V. Project Deliverables

Complete the tasks for Section II (4 points), III (8 points), and IV (8 points), include them in a project report in .doc/.docs or .pdf format, and submit it to Blackboard before the deadline.