[BCNnet] West Nile Virus and gamebirds
Judy Pollock
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 13:16:22 -0500
Here are some WNV facts from Ducks Unlimited with an interesting
speculation that the virus may not affect wild waterfowl. Some of the
cautions that they advise - about protecting yourself in the field and when
handling birds - also apply to some of us.
What Hunters Need to Know about the West Nile Virus
Memphis, September 23,
2002 - With waterfowl hunting season just around the
corner, hunters want
to know about the risk of contracting West Nile (WN)
virus from either
handling or consuming wild game birds. All currently
available information
indicates that West Nile virus is primarily spread
through mosquitoes.
There are no reported cases of West Nile virus being
contracted through
the handling or consumption of wild birds, however West
Nile virus is new
in North America and there is still much to be learned
about the
Over one hundred species of birds have been found to carry the
virus, with
members of the Corvidae family (crows, blue jays, ravens)
showing the
greatest mortality from the virus. To date, specimens of the
following game
birds have been reported positive for WN virus: sandhill
cranes, mourning
doves, mallards, wood ducks, Canada geese, ruffed grouse,
wild turkeys, and
ring-necked pheasants. However, based on studies
conducted since the virus
first appeared in North America, scientists
believe wild waterfowl may be
immune to the WN virus. While mallards, wood
ducks, and Canada geese have
tested positive for the virus, the infected
birds were all domestic
waterfowl living on park ponds, zoos, and in urban
settings. Furthermore,
thousands of birds die each year from avian
botulism, many of which are
randomly tested for botulism and WN virus. To
date, none of these wild
waterfowl have tested positive for WN virus.
It's Spread
When a mosquito bites a bird infected with the virus, the
mosquito becomes
infected and can transmit the virus to humans, horses,
dogs, or other birds
that it bites thereafter. Of the forty species of
mosquitoes that transmit
the virus, three species Culex pipiens, C.
Restauns, and C. salinarious
have been implicated as the most common
vectors. Larvae of these species
are most commonly found in urban
settings, where mosquitoes lay eggs in the
stagnant water of bird-baths,
tin cans, old tires, plastic bottles, rain
gutters, etc. These
"container-breeding" mosquitoes are rarely found in
healthy wetlands such
as the ones used by North America's waterfowl. In
healthy wetlands, versus
partially drained and impacted wetlands, predators
and water movement will
generally reduce mosquito populations.
Be Prudent, but not
Despite increased media attention, there is no cause for panic
about West
Nile Virus but neither is there room for denial. Hunters should
follow the
usual precautions when handling wild animals, and if you expect
encounter mosquitoes in the field, wear long pants, long-sleeves, and
mosquito repellant. Here are a few more recommended precautions that
minimize any possible risk:
- Do not harvest or handle sick game
- When cleaning game or handling live or dead birds, use gloves in
order to
- prevent blood-to-blood contact
- Cook game birds until well
- Soak any utensils used to prepare game birds in a solution of one
household bleach and 10 parts water for 20 minutes.
- Most
importantly, hunters should avoid mosquitoes as they are the most
means of acquiring West Nile virus. Hunters participating in early
season hunts should apply insect repellant to clothing and skin.
- At
home, look for stagnant water in bird-baths, plant trays, old tires,
wheelbarrows, and other containers around your yard. If you find standing
water, pour it out, and be diligent about re-checking these areas at least
once a week.
Dogs and West Nile Virus
Cases of WNV have been reported in
dogs in the U.S., but most infections
did not cause severe illness in
infected dogs. However, veterinarians in
Illinois recently confirmed the
first documented canine death from West
Nile Virus in North America. An
8-year-old Irish setter/Golden Retriever
mix, a wolf and three gray
squirrels in Illinois died of West Nile
infection. Officials do not expect
an epidemic of the virus in household
pets, but caution that older dogs,
puppies, and dogs that already have weak
immune systems could be at risk.
The infected dog in Illinois showed
neurological symptoms, including
unusual head bobbing, lethargy, and
progressive weakening. The virus
appears to have been transmitted by
mosquitoes, and researchers stress
that people and other pets have a low
risk of contracting the virus from
an infected dog. Dog owners should
minimize their pet's exposure to
mosquitoes by using screened kennels,
and/or repellents approved for use
on animals. Do NOT use DEET on dogs.
Owners should also limit early
morning and late afternoon walks or training
sessions, as this time of day
leaves people and animals most susceptible to
mosquito bites.
Should your
pet contract the virus, don't panic. Officials say there is no
reason to
destroy an animal because it has been infected with WNV.
Full recovery is
likely, and direct transmission of the virus to you or
other animal is
unlikely. Researchers are currently developing WNV vaccines
for domestic
What is West Nile Virus?
West Nile virus belongs to a group of
disease-causing viruses known as
flaviviruses, which are spread by
insects, usually mosquitoes. The virus
was first isolated in Uganda in
1937, and is most commonly found in Africa,
West Asia, Europe, and the
Middle East. It first reported in the United
States in New York State in
the summer of 1999. WN Virus is closely related
to St. Louis encephalitis,
a naturally occurring virus in the U.S. and
Canada. As of September 18,
2002, WN virus has been detected in 42 States
and the District of
Columbia. The geographic range of WN within the U.S.
has grown each year.
Judy Pollock
Evanston (Cook)