[BCNnet] BCNnet: Sept. 21 Montrose Bird Trip and Beach Sweep
Tue, 3 Sep 2002 21:51:36 EDT
Sat., Sept. 21, 7:00 a.m.
Birding Montrose Point and Beach, followed by Montrose Beach Clean-up
Leader: Christine Williamson 773/935-8439 birdchris@aol.com
Montrose is arguably the best birding spot in Chicago in the fall and the
Point's lush plantings should attract plenty of birds from sparrows to
warblers to swallows and more. We'll check the beach first for shorebirds and
sparrows then bird the Point itself, including the world-famous Magic Hedge.
All birders are encouraged to stay for the annual beach sweep which starts at
9:00 a.m. Sept. 21 is THE DAY to give back a little of your time to clean up
a beach that has rewarded birders for so many years. All you need to do is
pick up a bag, put on some gloves and pick up some trash.
A FREE PICNIC LUNCH follows the beach sweep.
This trip is cosponsored by the Sierra Club.
Directions: Meet at the south end of the (expanded) Magic Hedge at Montrose
Point. Exit Lake Shore Drive at Montrose Avenue and turn east/right. Turn
right on the first available park road at the bait shop. Proceed southeast,
park anywhere along the curve of the drive across from the small handicapped
parking lot on the left. Meet at the very south end of the western-most
bushes (end of Magic Hedge) closest to the park road.
Christine Williamson